Fabrication in the Institute
from Prilep
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Cigarette Fabrication in the Institute

Veni Vidi


The decision for building of cigarette factory in Prilep, in 1943, was not accomplished, but the importance of Tobacco Institute for tobacco production in Prilep and Macedonia, grew exponentially, and as a result of the initiative of Rudolf Gornik, on 01 March 1931 the cigarette factory was incorporated as integral part of the Institute.

The acquired equipment was consisted of two old Flinsch (Ferdinad) machines for manufacturing of cigarettes and one machine for shredding. Production capacity was 150 tons per year or 500 kg daily.

The production was not mechanized enough, with manual packing in hard schieber packaging, with picture of the Institute on the box.

On every box it was emphasized the name Test cigarette (Opitna or Ogledna cigareta) in numerations from 1-7 depending from the quality, degree of advancement of technology for cigarette manufacturing. The first type of cigarette was Opitna cigareta 1. In soft packing was only Opitna cigareta 3.

The blend of cigarettes was consisted of oriental tobaccos from Prilep's region, "Prilep", "Otlya" from Kumanovo and "Yaka" from Radovis, Strumica and Vranje, as well as semi-oriental Herzegovian "Ravnjak".

Production team contained professionals from various branches: one agronomist, one tobacco technician, two highly-skilled workers, one machinist and certain number of female packers for manual packing.

The production was performed in one shift. Characteristic trait of every box was the printed 'plea', from the Institute to the consumers, for their remarks, opinions about the quality of the cigarette. The consumers widely accepted that invitation and the Institute received various opinions and sugestions from the smokers about the cigarette quality, which had positive implications on the further cigarette production in Prilep and increased the reputation of Prilep's cigarettes.


Expert Collegium

The Expert Collegium of Tobacco Institute of Prilep in the first half of 1954 proposed to the Advisory Board of the Institute cancellation of the work of technological department for fabrication i.e. the factory, because of the enlarged scale of scientific work of the Institute. The proposition of Expert Collegium of the Instite aroused interest in the collective of Tutunski Kombinat to takeover the cigarette production!


In the chemical laboratory of the Institute, which was located in Skopje, the Advisory Board of the Institute made a decision for cancellation of fabrication in the technological department and in same time it was suggested to the Works Council of Tutunski Kombinat to issue an request to the Institute for taking over of the machines for manufacturing of cigarettes and for transferring of the right for cigarette manufacturing from the Institute to Tutunski Kombinat.

Economic justification

Accordingly, the first half of 1954 is the inception of cigarette manufacturing (fabrication) in Tutunski Kombinat. Subsequently, the Economic Institute from Skopje made a study for the status of tobacco industry and cigarette manufacturing in the state and the republic and assessed the economic justification for building of cigarette factory in Prilep - the center of tobacco production in Macedonia and Yugoslavia.


Fabrication in TKP

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